The Committee
This bunch of hardworking, dedicated & fun loving shredders
work tirelessly to ensure surf club put's on the best events possible. Scroll below to meet the current committee & find out about what each role entails and who to contact with questions

Tom Caskie
I help to run all aspects of the club. If you've got a question, I've got an answer.

Max Van Dijk
I organise all of the club's finances. For any questions about money, rental costs and trip costs feel free to come to me!

Diego Harrison
Land Coordinator
I help to organise all of our on-land activities, including surf-skating, yoga, and gym sessions!

Euan Reid
Socials Coordinator
I organise our weekly socials! For any suggestions, feel free to use our anonymous submissions form!

Roxie Beebe-Center
Kit Manager
I keep track of all the kit the club has - the boards, wetsuits, and surf skates!

Tom Bowden
Fundraising OM
Us OMs are responsible for picking up the slack of the rest of committee

Stewart Falconer
Vice President and Welfare
I'm responsible for organising the trips abroad in winter and summer and organising all our merch!
As welfare officer anyone can come to me with any issues or other aspects of the club they'd like to discuss.

Lachlan Gray
I'm here to respond to any emails with questions you may have, organise day trips, and take minutes during committee meetings!

Jacob Mcmillan
Sea Coordinator
I'm responsible for all things surf within the club, including our dedicated team of qualified instructors!

Jonny Sijan
Trips Coordinator
I organise and coordinate all of our trips within the UK. Hit me up with any questions about overnight trips

Morgan Moseley
Media Manager
I manage the club's media - any videos you may see and the posts on our social media!

Arabella Barker-Bland
Social OM and Welfare
As a welfare officer as well, anyone can come to me with any issues or other aspects of the club they'd like to discuss.
Meet The Committee
Fancy applying?
Each year, towards the end of semester 2, we host our AGM. Where everyone has the chance to run & vote for the following year's committee
Candidates produce a manifesto & present to the whole club in a truly fair & democratic manner. For more information on what each role requires, check out our manifesto
Applications open in March, so keep an eye on our socials :)